Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Map and Evacuation

How long does it take to evacuate the building?
It should take approx 23 seconds.
When should you evacuate?
When the alarm sounds or the fire warden tells you to evacuate.
How should you evacuate?
In an orderly fashion.
Where is the assembly area?
Carpark A
What is the path/route to the assembly area?
By foot.
Who is responsible for ensuring all staff have been evacuated?
The fire warden.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Security and privacy

Depending on what website I am on will determine what information i supply, is it is a secure website and they ask for information such as address, phone number etc then i provide it.A cookie is a message given to a Web browser by a Web server. The browser stores the message in a text file. The message is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. You should never leave your computer unattended because you don't know who will be walking by and have access to information such as bank details, address etc.

Passwords and zip files

It is important to maintain case in passwords and URL's file names aren't as important.Zip files are a popular data compression format. Files that have been compressed with the ZIP format are called ZIP files and usually end with a.ZIP extension. They are used to store/send large files that would normally not send via email etc.


Which type of files carry viruses?Exacutable filesI use microsoft security essentials on my computer. My computer does an automatic search for updates once a month.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Royalty Free Internet Sites

My Work

Yes, I want to be acknowledged as the creator of my work. If I am, I'm happy for it to be used anywhere and anyhow.


You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your work — and derivative works based upon it — but for non-commercial purposes only.

What licences would you apply to your own multimedia work?

Am I prepared to share any of my work ?
Yes, Well depending if credit is given to me.. I'm happy to have my work get publicly shown.

Are there peices of my work you don't want to share?
No, I'm happy to share it all aslong as acknowledgment is shown that it is my work.

Free Digital Photos

The use of this image asks to publish credit to a Salvatore Vuono, The digital artist who created it.

It then says If the free image will be used on a website, a hyperlink to Salvatore Vuono's portfolio page is required.

If you do not want to post credit, No problem, they understand this is not always convenient or appropriate. It asks to please purchase one of the paid-for versions, to avoid this requirement.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Creative Commons

How CC works..
Creative commons is non-profit organisation for which devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share The organization has released several copyright-licenses known as Creative Commons licenses free of charge to the public. These licenses allow creators to communicate which rights they reserve, and which rights they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators. Creative Commons was invented to create a more flexible copyright model, replacing "all rights reserved" with “some rights reserved”.

Sexual Harrasment

What is Sexual Harassment?
Is a form of sex discrimination that can occur at work, school, tafe, uni or in social settings. Sexual harassment in the workplace is any form of unwelcome sexual attention that is, or that you find, offensive, humiliating or intimidating that occurs anywhere you carry out any task for your employment.

What is the difference between having fun and Sexual Harassment?
The difference is when Unwelcome touching, grabbing or other physical contact.

What are typical things that a person would do to Sexually Harass someone?
Unwelcome touching.
Comments that have sexual meanings.
Asking for sex or sexual favours.
Leering and staring.
Displaying rude and offensive material, e.g. calendars, cartoons.
Sexual gestures and body movement.
Sexual jokes and comments.
Questions about your sex life.

What sort of person Sexually Harasses others?
Maybe people with sexual urges, that cannot contain their behaviour.

What should you do if you are the victim of Sexual Harassment?
You should immediatly tell someone. If it is happening in the workplace, tell the supervisor or boss about the problem

How can Sexual Harassment affect you?Feel stressed, anxious or depressed
Want to stay away from work.
Feel unable to trust your employer or the people you work with
Lack confidence and self-esteem in yourself and your work
Have physical symptoms of stress such as headaches, backaches, sleep problems
Have your life outside of work affected, e.g. study, relationships
Be less productive and unable to concentrate.

What are your rights?No one deserves or asks to be sexually harassed. Everyone has the right to work in an environment free from harassment, bullying discrimination and violence.
Sexual harassment is illegal (under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984). All employers are obliged to provide a harassment-free workplace where everyone is free to get on with their job. If they don't, they can be held legally responsible for acts of sexual harassment committed by their employees.

Any other information you think will be helpful?Don’t talk with strange people be with the friends that you select and if something wrong happen call the police for help.

Cyber Bullying

• What is Cyber Bullying?"Cyberbullying" is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones.

• What is the difference between having fun and Cyber Bullying?Having fun is when no one feels threatened or hurt, when friends might bully friends out of fun and laughs.
Cyber bullying is when an individual feels threatened, and has been hurt.

• What are typical things that a person would do to Cyber Bully someone? Teasing and being made fun of, Spreading of rumours online, Sending unwanted messages, Defamation.

• What sort of person Cyber Bullies?A person who probably feels insecure about themselves, and thinks tormenting or emotionally hurting someone online might make them feel better.

• What should you do if you are the victim of Cyber Bullying?You should go to an adult straight away if you feel threatened. Under some circumstances you may call 000, as cyber bullying is considered illegal.

• How can Cyber Bullying affect you?It can lower your self-esteem and you may feel alone, sad, angry and scared. If you are being bullied it is not your fault and there is nothing wrong with you.

• How big of an issue is Cyber Bullying?It is a growing concern among teens. As technology improves, more ways to bully through communication becomes an easier task.

• What are your rights?You have the right to complain about the bully, your safety and welfare is a concern if threats have been made towards you. Don’t be afraid to seek advice.
If you are being bullied in your work environment, you have the right to make a formal (written) complaint that follows company policy. This could lead to couselling, mediation or eventually termination of employment of the bully.

• Any other information you think will be helpful…If you are being bullied you shouldn’t feel threatens by the person, you need to seek advice as soon as possible if things become serious and threats to your life has been made.


Workplace bullying is when you are verbally, physically, socially or psychologically hurt by your employer (or manager), another person or group of people at work. It can happen in any type of workplace.

The difference between having fun and Bullying is when you say something or do something that verbally, physically, socially or psychologically hurts someone instead of just being a joke or funny to them. Typical things a bully does is verbally, physically, socially or psychologically hurt you which includes for example: intimidation,
making fun of your work or you, attacking or threatening you, humiliating you or even psychological harassment (playing mind games, ganging up on you).

Like bullying at school or other places, people who bully others at work often have low self-esteem or have been a victim of violence themselves. They use bullying as a way of making themselves feel more powerful.

Bully can affect you in many different ways like
 be less productive
 be less confident in your work
 feel scared, stressed, anxious or depressed
 have your life outside of work affected, e.g. study, relationships
 want to stay away from work (more than usual)
 feel unable to trust your employer or the people you work with
 lack confidence and self-esteem in yourself and your work

Saturday, August 21, 2010

OH&S Procedures and Regulations

Part A:
1.Acts was ensuring that the workplace is safe and regulations is legal requirements have or have not been.
2. Employers must ensure the health, safety and welfare of their employees.
3.Employees must take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and others, and must cooperate with employers in their efforts to comply with occupational health and safety requirements.
4. A healthy and safety representative is an employee representative who has been elected for a term of 3 years by the staff (DWG). To represent their health and safety interests.
5. Penny
6. The work place inspector checks the work place to ensure that it is safe done.

Part B:
1. Penny – ICT reception
2. I 102 and I107
3. Near the exit door; In the case of a fire, exit building in a safe manner.
4. 000 number to call
5. Near the canteen
6. NO smoking and there’s a lot of signage around campus.

OHS Part C:
• The mouse and leads- you could trip over them.
• Prevent – make sure the leads aren’t in a place where you could trip over them and make sure there all attached properly.
• Spilling liquids on key board or computer equipment that’s on could electrocute.
• Prevent – keep liquids away from computer.
• If the table is not well set up everything could fall on you.
• Prevent – make sure the table is set up properly and isn’t faulty.
• If the chair isn’t positioned properly you could fall or hurt your back.
• Prevent – position chair properly before sitting down.
• If the carpet is faulty you could trip over it.
• Prevent – check the carpet every now and then to just see if the carpet is placed alright and isn’t a hazard.
• The projector could fall and harm you so you need to have it placed right.
• Prevent – get the projector put in properly and get it checked every year to make its still safe.
• If the posters are very aggressive you could have nightmares.
• Prevent – put up nice happy posters
• If you have stuff lying around it could be hazardous.
• Prevent – tidy up always and keep walkways clear and clean
• Smoke alarms are working properly and need to be checked in case of a fire.
• Prevent – check smoke alarms regularly
• The roof needs to be put up properly or panels could fall or it could be faulty and harmful.
• Prevent – put up panels properly and check roof to make sure it’s not faulty
• Bad for health looking at the screen all day and could possibly cause eye sight problems
• Prevent - have a 10min break every few hours

• Be aware Take care
• Let safety be a sponge - soak it up
• Watch your step - it could be your last
• We need you - work safely
• Safety never takes a break
• Think safety - it couldn't hurt
• Never give safety a day off


Internet meanings

Convert the following into SMS / Text language:
1) You are invited to a pool party and bbq on Saturday 21st February to celebrate Steve’s birthday. The party will start at 3pm. Please bring your bathers, towels and other swimming gear. If possible please also bring a salad or drinks.
U r invited 2 a pool party n bbq on Satday 21st, Feb to celebrate Steve’s B’day. The party will start at 3pm. Plz brng your bathrs, towels n other swimming gear. If possible plz also brng salad n drnks.

2) Hi mum, I will be finishing classes today at 4:30pm. Can I go shopping with Loulou at Highpoint after class? I will catch the bus home at 8pm. Is this okay?
Hi mum, I’ll be finishin classes 2day @ 4:30pm. Can I go shoppin with Loulou @ highpoint aftr class? I’ll catch the bus home at 8pm. S’that Okay ?

3) I have found that book that you said I should read. I bought it today when it was on special for only $25. I started reading it, you are right it is really good. I’ll talk to you more about it when I have finished it.
I have found that book that you said I should read. I bought it 2day wen it was on special 4 only $25. I started reading it, u r rite it is really gud. I’ll talk 2 u more about it wen I have finished it.

4) Do you want to go to the movies with me tonight to see Gone With the Wind? JP is coming too. We are going to meet at the front of the cinema at 7:00pm and we can get something to eat then because the movie doesn’t start until 8:30.
Do u want to go to the movies wit me 2night 2 see gone wit the wind? JP is comin 2. We r goin 2 meet @ the front of the cinema @ 7:00pm n we can get something to eat then cause the movie dosen’t start till 8.30

Write 3 of your own text messages and then convert them into “normal” language:

1) Text Message: ey mum, Im stayin ova @ toms house tonite.. wont be home for lunch wit fam. speak to u tomoz xx

Normal Language : Hey Mum, I'm staying over at Tom's house tonight... Won't be home for lunch with Family. Speak to you tomorrow xx

2) Text Message: Hey bub, Im not gona be able to come out tonite, Im feelin really crook, but ill c u tomoz. luv ya x

Normal Language : Hey bub, I'm not going to be able to come out tonight, I'm feeling really crook. But I'll see you tomorrow. Love you x

3) Text Message: ey dude, did u get my txt about tha party tonite, itz gonna be topz. ill bring the drinks if u can bring some food, ill seeya @ 7 @ mine.

Normal Language : Hey dude, did you get my text about the party tonight. It's going to be tops. I'll bring the drinks if you can bring some food, I'll see you at 7 at mine.

HAZARDS present/past

Multimedia Class
Florescent lighting
Broken chairs
Power points
Texta leak
Sharp objects
Loose projector
Flimsy roof

Pizza shop
Sharp utensils
Broken glass
Off food
Cash register
Bad hygiene
Heavy equipment

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My workstation

My computer desk is a normal type of desk, It has a wheel out stand for my keyboard and mouse.
My chair is a normal four legged kitchen chair, It could be improved. It is fitting for my height.
Powerpoints are located behind the desk, where all my wires gather. I keep it relativley clean so dust gather is at a minimum.
Lighting needs to be changed, too bright for my liking. I use a dim lamp instead, which is probably not the best choice, strains eyes.
I keep my workstation quite clean, and make sure not to eat food around the computer. To keep mess low.
SO there are really no hazards, apart from maybe the bad lighting.

I would rate my workstation 7/10.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hazards in the office

Personal electronic devices
The computer monitor can be placed wrong, aswell as the height of the keyboard and mouse.
Possible injuries that could occure are sore neck and back, and even sore eyes.
To fix these problems you should set monitor, so employee can read top of screen without tilting head backwards to do so. You should also locate mouse as close as possible to keyboard to reduce reaching. And also provide a style of keyboard / mouse which is comfortable for the user.

Operating can cause the body to fatigue and stress, because of a lack of task variety, prolonged time spent in one position.
It can be a hazard because that may cause eyes to become irritated, strained or blurred.
To avoid these problems you should conduct a workstation assessment before operator begins work. e.g- desk height, chair adjustment, keyboard / mouse / screen position

A bad positioned chair can causle back problems over prolonged use.
Every person should have their own chair that suits them, because everyone is different.
Try chairs of different styles and dimensions until user feels secure, has adequate support and feels comfortable.

Storage Systems and access to stored contents
Poorly located cabinets can cause risk, and is a safety hazard. Shelves could possibly be loose or/and flimsy.
Someone can trip over a poorly located cabinet, if people leave the doors open.
A shelve could fall and severly injure someone if they are under it.
To prevent shelves from falling over you should ensure that single rows of freestanding shelving are secured to prevent toppling over.
You should restrain filing cabinet to the wall and, where appropriate place heavier contents in lowest drawers and distribute files to keep centre of gravity as low as possible to minimise risk of cabinet tipping.

Obstructing walk ways
Cabinets with slide out draws / sideway hinged doors which open to obstruct a passageway.
Obstructing walkways are a fire hazard and someone can easily trip over them.
A person can hurt their, leg, arm or head. Or even break a bone.
You should set up a cabinet out of a walkway, and into a secure space. Away from where people may walk. If cabinets do border on passageways, select cabinets which have slide-away or roller doors, which do not protrude when open.

Bad lighting can cause a headache, and can cause glare or/and shadow if it is inadeqaute.
It could cause migrane or even worse, it should shatter and cause injury if standing under.
You should have tubes and light fittings cleaned or changed frequently to maintain designed levels of illumination.
If interior is illuminated by daylight, ensure that lighting is compatible with the natural light.

Electricals should be kept clear of any liquids that can cause spillage.
Electrocution can occur if a liquid is spilt on a powerpoint or even a computer.
If a spill does occur, ensure appliance is disconnected from power before cleaning.
Ensure appliances are not connected near sources of water.