1.Acts was ensuring that the workplace is safe and regulations is legal requirements have or have not been.
2. Employers must ensure the health, safety and welfare of their employees.
3.Employees must take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and others, and must cooperate with employers in their efforts to comply with occupational health and safety requirements.
4. A healthy and safety representative is an employee representative who has been elected for a term of 3 years by the staff (DWG). To represent their health and safety interests.
5. Penny
6. The work place inspector checks the work place to ensure that it is safe done.
Part B:
1. Penny – ICT reception
2. I 102 and I107
3. Near the exit door; In the case of a fire, exit building in a safe manner.
4. 000 number to call
5. Near the canteen
6. NO smoking and there’s a lot of signage around campus.
OHS Part C:
• The mouse and leads- you could trip over them.
• Prevent – make sure the leads aren’t in a place where you could trip over them and make sure there all attached properly.
• Spilling liquids on key board or computer equipment that’s on could electrocute.
• Prevent – keep liquids away from computer.
• If the table is not well set up everything could fall on you.
• Prevent – make sure the table is set up properly and isn’t faulty.
• If the chair isn’t positioned properly you could fall or hurt your back.
• Prevent – position chair properly before sitting down.
• If the carpet is faulty you could trip over it.
• Prevent – check the carpet every now and then to just see if the carpet is placed alright and isn’t a hazard.
• The projector could fall and harm you so you need to have it placed right.
• Prevent – get the projector put in properly and get it checked every year to make its still safe.
• If the posters are very aggressive you could have nightmares.
• Prevent – put up nice happy posters
• If you have stuff lying around it could be hazardous.
• Prevent – tidy up always and keep walkways clear and clean
• Smoke alarms are working properly and need to be checked in case of a fire.
• Prevent – check smoke alarms regularly
• The roof needs to be put up properly or panels could fall or it could be faulty and harmful.
• Prevent – put up panels properly and check roof to make sure it’s not faulty
• Bad for health looking at the screen all day and could possibly cause eye sight problems
• Prevent - have a 10min break every few hours
• Be aware Take care
• Let safety be a sponge - soak it up
• Watch your step - it could be your last
• We need you - work safely
• Safety never takes a break
• Think safety - it couldn't hurt
• Never give safety a day off

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