Convert the following into SMS / Text language:
1) You are invited to a pool party and bbq on Saturday 21st February to celebrate Steve’s birthday. The party will start at 3pm. Please bring your bathers, towels and other swimming gear. If possible please also bring a salad or drinks.
U r invited 2 a pool party n bbq on Satday 21st, Feb to celebrate Steve’s B’day. The party will start at 3pm. Plz brng your bathrs, towels n other swimming gear. If possible plz also brng salad n drnks.
2) Hi mum, I will be finishing classes today at 4:30pm. Can I go shopping with Loulou at Highpoint after class? I will catch the bus home at 8pm. Is this okay?
Hi mum, I’ll be finishin classes 2day @ 4:30pm. Can I go shoppin with Loulou @ highpoint aftr class? I’ll catch the bus home at 8pm. S’that Okay ?
3) I have found that book that you said I should read. I bought it today when it was on special for only $25. I started reading it, you are right it is really good. I’ll talk to you more about it when I have finished it.
I have found that book that you said I should read. I bought it 2day wen it was on special 4 only $25. I started reading it, u r rite it is really gud. I’ll talk 2 u more about it wen I have finished it.
4) Do you want to go to the movies with me tonight to see Gone With the Wind? JP is coming too. We are going to meet at the front of the cinema at 7:00pm and we can get something to eat then because the movie doesn’t start until 8:30.
Do u want to go to the movies wit me 2night 2 see gone wit the wind? JP is comin 2. We r goin 2 meet @ the front of the cinema @ 7:00pm n we can get something to eat then cause the movie dosen’t start till 8.30
Write 3 of your own text messages and then convert them into “normal” language:
1) Text Message: ey mum, Im stayin ova @ toms house tonite.. wont be home for lunch wit fam. speak to u tomoz xx
Normal Language : Hey Mum, I'm staying over at Tom's house tonight... Won't be home for lunch with Family. Speak to you tomorrow xx
2) Text Message: Hey bub, Im not gona be able to come out tonite, Im feelin really crook, but ill c u tomoz. luv ya x
Normal Language : Hey bub, I'm not going to be able to come out tonight, I'm feeling really crook. But I'll see you tomorrow. Love you x
3) Text Message: ey dude, did u get my txt about tha party tonite, itz gonna be topz. ill bring the drinks if u can bring some food, ill seeya @ 7 @ mine.
Normal Language : Hey dude, did you get my text about the party tonight. It's going to be tops. I'll bring the drinks if you can bring some food, I'll see you at 7 at mine.
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