Personal electronic devices
The computer monitor can be placed wrong, aswell as the height of the keyboard and mouse.
Possible injuries that could occure are sore neck and back, and even sore eyes.
To fix these problems you should set monitor, so employee can read top of screen without tilting head backwards to do so. You should also locate mouse as close as possible to keyboard to reduce reaching. And also provide a style of keyboard / mouse which is comfortable for the user.
Operating can cause the body to fatigue and stress, because of a lack of task variety, prolonged time spent in one position.
It can be a hazard because that may cause eyes to become irritated, strained or blurred.
To avoid these problems you should conduct a workstation assessment before operator begins work. e.g- desk height, chair adjustment, keyboard / mouse / screen position
A bad positioned chair can causle back problems over prolonged use.
Every person should have their own chair that suits them, because everyone is different.
Try chairs of different styles and dimensions until user feels secure, has adequate support and feels comfortable.
Storage Systems and access to stored contents
Poorly located cabinets can cause risk, and is a safety hazard. Shelves could possibly be loose or/and flimsy.
Someone can trip over a poorly located cabinet, if people leave the doors open.
A shelve could fall and severly injure someone if they are under it.
To prevent shelves from falling over you should ensure that single rows of freestanding shelving are secured to prevent toppling over.
You should restrain filing cabinet to the wall and, where appropriate place heavier contents in lowest drawers and distribute files to keep centre of gravity as low as possible to minimise risk of cabinet tipping.
Obstructing walk ways
Cabinets with slide out draws / sideway hinged doors which open to obstruct a passageway.
Obstructing walkways are a fire hazard and someone can easily trip over them.
A person can hurt their, leg, arm or head. Or even break a bone.
You should set up a cabinet out of a walkway, and into a secure space. Away from where people may walk. If cabinets do border on passageways, select cabinets which have slide-away or roller doors, which do not protrude when open.
Bad lighting can cause a headache, and can cause glare or/and shadow if it is inadeqaute.
It could cause migrane or even worse, it should shatter and cause injury if standing under.
You should have tubes and light fittings cleaned or changed frequently to maintain designed levels of illumination.
If interior is illuminated by daylight, ensure that lighting is compatible with the natural light.
Electricals should be kept clear of any liquids that can cause spillage.
Electrocution can occur if a liquid is spilt on a powerpoint or even a computer.
If a spill does occur, ensure appliance is disconnected from power before cleaning.
Ensure appliances are not connected near sources of water.
The computer monitor can be placed wrong, aswell as the height of the keyboard and mouse.
Possible injuries that could occure are sore neck and back, and even sore eyes.
To fix these problems you should set monitor, so employee can read top of screen without tilting head backwards to do so. You should also locate mouse as close as possible to keyboard to reduce reaching. And also provide a style of keyboard / mouse which is comfortable for the user.
Operating can cause the body to fatigue and stress, because of a lack of task variety, prolonged time spent in one position.
It can be a hazard because that may cause eyes to become irritated, strained or blurred.
To avoid these problems you should conduct a workstation assessment before operator begins work. e.g- desk height, chair adjustment, keyboard / mouse / screen position
A bad positioned chair can causle back problems over prolonged use.
Every person should have their own chair that suits them, because everyone is different.
Try chairs of different styles and dimensions until user feels secure, has adequate support and feels comfortable.
Storage Systems and access to stored contents
Poorly located cabinets can cause risk, and is a safety hazard. Shelves could possibly be loose or/and flimsy.
Someone can trip over a poorly located cabinet, if people leave the doors open.
A shelve could fall and severly injure someone if they are under it.
To prevent shelves from falling over you should ensure that single rows of freestanding shelving are secured to prevent toppling over.
You should restrain filing cabinet to the wall and, where appropriate place heavier contents in lowest drawers and distribute files to keep centre of gravity as low as possible to minimise risk of cabinet tipping.
Obstructing walk ways
Cabinets with slide out draws / sideway hinged doors which open to obstruct a passageway.
Obstructing walkways are a fire hazard and someone can easily trip over them.
A person can hurt their, leg, arm or head. Or even break a bone.
You should set up a cabinet out of a walkway, and into a secure space. Away from where people may walk. If cabinets do border on passageways, select cabinets which have slide-away or roller doors, which do not protrude when open.
Bad lighting can cause a headache, and can cause glare or/and shadow if it is inadeqaute.
It could cause migrane or even worse, it should shatter and cause injury if standing under.
You should have tubes and light fittings cleaned or changed frequently to maintain designed levels of illumination.
If interior is illuminated by daylight, ensure that lighting is compatible with the natural light.
Electricals should be kept clear of any liquids that can cause spillage.
Electrocution can occur if a liquid is spilt on a powerpoint or even a computer.
If a spill does occur, ensure appliance is disconnected from power before cleaning.
Ensure appliances are not connected near sources of water.
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